London South West Maths Hub


Developing effective questioning to support a mixed ability classroom

A key principle of teaching for mastery is the use of high quality, carefully planned questioning - a principle which applied effectively can support “all children moving at broadly the same pace” in a mixed ability classroom.

This 2 day programme, led by hub lead James Berry, is designed to explore this principle in depth, with theory behind the pedagogy supported by the opportunity to observe a teaching for mastery lesson in action. A commitment to participating in a gap task is essential to the success of the programme and will aim to develop all participants use of high level questioning in their own classrooms. An understanding of the principles of teaching for mastery is beneficial but not an essential criteria to involvement.     


Dates:             Session 1: Wednesday 29th November 2017

                          Session 2: Friday 23rd February 2018

Time:               09:30 – 15:00 

Venue:            Chesterton Primary School, Dagnall Street, London, SW11 5DT

Audience:        KS1 & KS2 teachers (limit 2 per school) – max 30.

Cost:               Free