London South West Maths Hub

England-China Maths Teacher Exchange


Primary outward leg


London SW Maths hub Primary Mastery Specialist teachers, Chris van de Wiel and James Howland travelled to Shanghai on the outward leg of the China-England Exchange.  Read about their experiences and time in Shanghai in their blog.



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London SW Maths Hub Secondary Mastery Specialist teacher Claire Henderson travelled to Shanghai on the outward leg of the China -England Exchange along with Seconadry Mastery Specialists from other maths hubs.

The teachers worked in teams of three, arranged on a regional basis.  The Pigott School, Reading will act as the host school for the return visit. Two Secondary Shanghai teachers, will be based together at the host school for the duration of their visit. 



China England Exchange 2018-2019

China England Exchange 2017-2018

China England Exchange 2016-2017