London South West Maths Hub


Check out all the latest news from NCETM in the latest National newsletter with Primary and Secondary round ups including: 
  • Maths Hubs CPD still available for 2024/25
  • The NCETM Maths Podcast continues…
  • Are you using Checkpoints yet?
  • Summer reading!
  • Maths on holiday
  • News in brief


NCETM Feature Articles
Key recommendations from the Ofsted report and suggestions for implementing them in your school
Seven Core Maths classes prove the value of the qualification for students
Spotlight on LLMEs – Primary SKTM
Hear from a Cohort Lead on the Primary SKTM
Spotlight on LLMEs – Developing A Level Pedagogy
A Post-16 Work Group Lead explains what's involved
Why get involved with the Maths Hubs Programme? Find out how it can benefit you and your school

NCETM Podcast 
How teaching for mastery approaches can support pupils with dyscalculia to engage positively with maths.